Life. And living life. It gets real, ya’ll.

Choose joy

Hey friends!  Can I still call you that after so long away?  I hope so.  I have been beating myself up for being such a terribly irresponsible blogger and have been finding it hard to post my first second first post.  Does that make sense?  I have let life take the best of me for the past few (several) months and I have been working on changing that mindset lately.

Let me start by saying that I hope this post inspires and encourages you to move past whatever is holding you back.  Monkeys will throw poo at the ceiling fan, it’s inevitable.  The only thing you can control is how you react.  Life is life, good or bad, and it should never be intimidating.  Life is a gift and it should never be underestimated or underappreciated.  You will find some pretty funny descriptions of things you might find in a gift box on SNL, or you might find a hand knitted sweater from Granny Fanny under the tree, or Aunt Matilda’s “prized” fruitcake, or plane tickets to Bermuda.  My point is, there are happy, content people all over the world and I believe it is by choice rather than circumstance.

Don’t get me wrong.  I live in a nice, safe condo with clean wood floors, running water and electricity.  There is even a pool out back.  Yes, I have had a few setbacks (changes) these past few months that I allowed to get the best of me.  Moving back to the city of Los Angeles was rough.  I’m not a big city girl.  I dislike crowds and name dropping, more perfecter always people.  Then I caught a chronic cold which turned into pneumonia, along with a temperature of over 106 degrees.  If you have never had pneumonia, do your best to stay that way.  It takes a long time to get over, even with a very healthy diet.  Then came another big move in the works, a good move actually, but still a big change.  We are headed to Bend, OR.  There are seasons there, people actually go out without makeup and their ponytails are probably not teased into a bouffant.  Hiking is way more accepted than “dieting”.  People have dogs who aren’t groomed and the women drink beer.  Sign me up… sort of.  Read on.

One last huge change that gets its own paragraph because I will probably be mentioning it in the future, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.  In the last few months I gained 20 pounds even with a very healthy diet and exercise, my hair thinned, I got more cranky than the average bear, my brain got foggy, and just waking up exhausted me.  I am choosing to heal my thyroid with my diet rather than to start taking hormones or drugs which is not a prescribed or popular decision.  This will not become a “thyroid” blog but I do hope to offer useful information to those who are suffering from thyroid conditions or any auto immune disorder.

I know you will still find value here.  I’ll continue to post healthy recipes though they will mostly be gluten free and I’ll post my WHY soon, any wisdom I gain or humor I have to share will be found here, and if I happen to find an all natural mascara I love, you will be the first to know.  I won’t post every 3rd day or whatever.  I’ll post when I have something of value, or if I think it has value, or if I have a single malt scotch or two (it truly IS gluten free!!  Yay!).

Thanks for sticking around.  The future is bright.  🙂


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